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Cold sores are caused by a form of the Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV), and they’re contagious.
Once you have had an episode of cold sores, the virus lies dormant in the nerve cells of the
skin and cold sores may reappear near the original site. You may experience an itch or
heightened sensitivity before each attack. Outbreaks frequently occur following sun exposure,
trauma, examination stress, emotional stress, or menstruation.

Almost everyone has been exposed to HSV – about 80% of the population – and about a
third of us experience recurrent symptoms.

Signs and symptoms of cold sores include:

Tingling, burning or itching sensation prior to the cold sore developing.
Small fluid-filled blisters appear on or around the lips.
If untreated, a cold sore will generally last between 10 and 14 days but the good news is that you can take steps to reduce their frequency and to treat an occurrence.

Use Blistex Antiviral Cold Sore Cream* containing aciclovir 5% to treat an infection.
Use Blistex Lip Ointment SPF15 every day and before prolonged exposure to the sun
– during both winter and summer – to help prevent recurrence of sunlight-induced cold sores.
Avoid situations which trigger cold sores, such as exposure to cold and sun.

*Contains Aciclovir 5%.

Blistex Cold Sore Cream Anti Viral 5g

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Sale price Only $7.95
Regular price $12.95

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Cold sores are caused by a form of the Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV), and they’re contagious.
Once you have had an episode of cold sores, the virus lies dormant in the nerve cells of the
skin and cold sores may reappear near the original site. You may experience an itch or
heightened sensitivity before each attack. Outbreaks frequently occur following sun exposure,
trauma, examination stress, emotional stress, or menstruation.

Almost everyone has been exposed to HSV – about 80% of the population – and about a
third of us experience recurrent symptoms.

Signs and symptoms of cold sores include:

Tingling, burning or itching sensation prior to the cold sore developing.
Small fluid-filled blisters appear on or around the lips.
If untreated, a cold sore will generally last between 10 and 14 days but the good news is that you can take steps to reduce their frequency and to treat an occurrence.

Use Blistex Antiviral Cold Sore Cream* containing aciclovir 5% to treat an infection.
Use Blistex Lip Ointment SPF15 every day and before prolonged exposure to the sun
– during both winter and summer – to help prevent recurrence of sunlight-induced cold sores.
Avoid situations which trigger cold sores, such as exposure to cold and sun.

*Contains Aciclovir 5%.

Blistex Cold Sore Cream Anti Viral 5g
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